Hi there! I am an aspiring software developer. My interests include Hackintoshing, PC Building, sailing, skiing, coding, and hacking. I’ve loved computers since a very young age! When I was 4-years old, I used a computer by myself for the first time. I still recall how great it felt to control a machine that harnessed so much power. Ever since, I’ve grown to love computers. At the age of 7, I started playing with Mindstorms EV3 as well as Scratch. This was a lot of fun for me and challenged me as a young child. Later, when I was 10, I began learning basic HTML/CSS as well as Apple’s Programming language, Swift. In 2019, when Apple launched SwiftUI, I knew it was my time to shine. Although I never published an app in the app store, my dad has multiple apps, a few of which I worked on with him. I used my SwiftUI knowledge to create multiple iOS apps for school projects, including one that informs you about the importance and accessibility of recycling used electronic devices. Lately, I’ve been working on mastering Python using the JetBrains Academy Python track and I plan to learn C and C++ next, as well as Java and JavaScript. I am also developing a few Discord bots in discord.py and discord.js.

I hope you enjoyed my mini bio, now check out my projects!